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Study In Switzerland: One Young World IUCN Leaders Forum Changemakers Scholarship 2024

May 24th, 2024 at 04:12 am

Study In Switzerland: One Young World IUCN Leaders Forum Changemakers Scholarship 2024

A call is being made for all young individuals who are innovative in the field of environmental conservation. The IUCN Leaders Forum is seeking an upcoming cohort of individuals who are actively engaged in environmental conservation or biodiversity initiatives within their local communities. Chosen individuals will get the opportunity to join prominent leaders from around the world in Geneva this October. They will present their ideas, engage in conversations on incorporating nature into strategies for addressing global issues, and present their projects in hopes of securing vital assistance. Submit your application now to become a part of this thrilling opportunity!

IUCN is currently seeking the next cohort of young innovators who are actively progressing towards the global objectives for nature.

The IUCN Leaders Forum Changemakers unites young leaders and innovators who are creating or executing inventive projects focused on environmental conservation or biodiversity action within their communities. A group of exceptional young individuals will be chosen to participate in the IUCN Leaders Forum in Geneva in October 2024. They will have the opportunity to present their innovative ideas for bringing about significant change.

The forum will focus on discussing practical steps to integrate nature into energy systems, food and agriculture, and human health. The ultimate goal is to promote solutions that have a positive impact on the environment. Young individuals who are driving change will be given a unique chance to present their projects to key leaders from the commercial sector, government, and civil society.

About The IUCN Leaders Forum

The IUCN Leaders Forum is a yearly gathering of influential individuals and agents of change from various countries. Its purpose is to engage in discussions about creative approaches to pressing global issues, make ambitious pledges, establish collaborations, and stimulate efforts towards significant advancements in nature conservation and sustainability.

The first IUCN Leaders Forum occurred in Jeju Province, Republic of Korea, from October 13–15, 2022. The forum’s main objective was to discuss the development of economies and societies that have a beneficial impact on nature. The event included more than 500 leaders and influencers from national and subnational governments, the commercial sector, international organizations, and Indigenous and youth-led groups.

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The IUCN Leaders Forum’s second edition took place in Geneva, Switzerland, in 2023. The main objective was to implement the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) that was established at the UN Biodiversity Conference (CBD COP15) in December 2022.

The IUCN Leaders Forum’s third edition is scheduled to take place in Geneva, Switzerland, and virtually from October 8 to 10, 2024. The forum’s subject will be “Harnessing innovation, enabling conservation.”

Prior to the three Rio Convention COPs scheduled at the end of the year, the IUCN Leaders Forum 2024 will provide a timely opportunity to showcase innovative solutions that tackle the triple planetary issue and prioritize nature in energy systems, food and agriculture, and human health. Expanding on previous editions, the event will offer a chance to evaluate the advancements made in monitoring, regulatory frameworks, reporting mandates, and disclosure and accountability technologies.

The Forum will investigate novel methods of funding to expedite progress, such as expanding private sector investment, harnessing private philanthropy, redirecting subsidies, and aligning climate and biodiversity funding with global objectives. This will involve utilizing emerging tools like biodiversity credits.

The goals of the Forum

The main focus of the IUCN Leaders Forum 2024 will be on three core objectives:

The purpose of convening influential and innovative leaders from various sectors (government, private sector, civil society, sub-national authorities, Indigenous peoples’ organisations, etc) is to foster dialogue and establish trust among different groups. This gathering aims to cultivate relationships, forge new partnerships and alliances, and identify innovative collective solutions involving multiple stakeholders to address pressing conservation and biodiversity challenges. Additionally, it seeks to advance the international environmental policy agenda.

Providing a forum for world leaders to gather each year in a secure setting, to engage in conversations on current and upcoming environmental challenges and patterns, and to consistently monitor and assess advancements in order to prioritize nature as governments strive to achieve the goals set for 2030 and beyond.

Facilitating a platform for young innovators who are spearheading environmental initiatives to establish connections with potential partners from both the public and private sectors, in order to enhance the progress of their projects.

The required degree level for the One Young World IUCN Leaders Forum Changemakers Scholarship is:

The One Young World IUCN Leaders Forum Changemakers Scholarship 2024 in Switzerland (fully funded) is open to anyone who wishes to participate in summit-level activities.

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Advantages of the One Young World IUCN Leaders Forum Changemakers Scholarship:

The IUCN Leaders Forum in Geneva, Switzerland, provides an exceptional opportunity to promote your groundbreaking environmental initiative and establish connections with prominent policymakers.

Seize this opportunity to:

  • Showcase your innovative concepts to an esteemed audience, including government officials, corporate executives, and representatives from non-governmental organizations.
  • Establish connections and form partnerships with influential individuals or organizations that have the ability to advance your initiative.
  • Acquire vital knowledge from experts in sustainability and leaders in business.

The IUCN Leaders Forum offers:

  • The participation is fully sponsored, which includes accommodation in Geneva from October 7th to 11th, round-trip flights, food, and any expenditures related to the event.
  • Gain exclusive access to interact with influential individuals from many industries who have the ability to enhance the effect of your actions.
  • The meeting is held in Geneva, Switzerland, which is widely recognized as a prominent center for worldwide environmental initiatives.

The eligible nationalities for the One Young World IUCN Leaders Forum Changemakers Scholarship are:

The IUCN Leaders Forum invites applications from individuals worldwide. We particularly encourage cooperation from:

  • Your distinct viewpoint is essential to understanding the Global South.
  • Underrepresented communities: It is imperative to include all perspectives in the discussion.
  • Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities: Contribute your expertise!
  • Young female leaders have the power to impact the future.

Requirements for the One Young World IUCN Leaders Forum Changemakers Scholarship:

Do you possess an innovative concept that addresses environmental concerns in a revolutionary manner? IUCN is seeking enthusiastic young individuals who possess:

  • Changemakers: Demonstrating a documented history of success in the fields of nature protection, biodiversity, climate change, or sustainable development.
  • Engaged in a solution-oriented endeavor focused on developing a groundbreaking initiative that tackles environmental concerns and incorporates natural elements into solutions for societal problems such as energy, food security, and sustainable cities.
  • Inclusive Leaders: We prioritize programs that foster equity, cooperation among different age groups, and uphold human rights.

Admissions Procedure

IUCN will choose the Changemakers for the IUCN Leaders Forum from a list of candidates provided by One Young World. To be considered for One Young World’s shortlist, please fill out the application form provided in the link below.

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Deadline for submission

18:00 BST, May 30, 2024




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