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Study In China: Fudan University Scholarships 2024

May 26th, 2024 at 08:45 am

Study In China: Fudan University Scholarships 2024

The international student office at Fudan University is now accepting applications for the Chinese Government Scholarship. Fudan University scholarships are available to both local and international undergraduate and graduate students. Suppose you would like to study overseas without incurring any costs and without the requirement of submitting an IELTS score. In that case, you can consider applying for Chinese government scholarships at Peking University.

The Chinese government grants scholarships to international students every year in order to foster cultural interaction and promote Chinese universities. The Fudan University CSC Scholarship is a highly esteemed Chinese accolade that is open to both undergraduate and graduate students.

What do Fudan University Scholarships in China cover?

Any individual who is awarded a fully funded Chinese scholarship at Fudan University will be entitled to receive a monthly stipend in Chinese Yuan (CNY), accommodation in a dormitory, a one-time settlement allowance along with monthly stipends, free access to a laboratory, library, and sports complex upon admission to Fudan University, health insurance coverage, and financial support for attending conferences and similar events.

IELTS is a mandatory requirement for Fudan University Scholarships.

To be eligible for admission to Fudan University, applicants must achieve a minimum score of 6.5 bands on the IELTS academic exam or a score of 90 or above on the TOEFL.

Advantages of Fudan University Scholarships

Financial Assistance:

Scholarships offered by Fudan University often cover tuition costs, living expenses, and sometimes even medical insurance. This financial assistance significantly reduces the costs related to obtaining an education and living in Shanghai, hence increasing the attractiveness of the city to international students.

Excellence in Education:

Fudan University is renowned for its distinguished professors and demanding academic standards, which contribute to its excellence in education. Recipients of scholarships are given admission to prestigious academic institutions that provide a wide range of master’s, doctorate, and undergraduate programs in many subjects.

Research Opportunities:

Fudan University places great importance on innovation and research. Recipients of scholarships have the opportunity to engage in state-of-the-art research projects, make use of advanced research facilities, and work together with top specialists in their respective fields.

Cultural Immersion:

Enrolling in Fudan University provides a unique opportunity for individuals to deeply connect with the diverse aspects of Chinese culture, language, and customs. The university promotes overseas students’ understanding and integration into Chinese society through a variety of cultural exchange programs and activities.

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Language Proficiency:

While most programs at Fudan University are conducted in English, students also have the opportunity to develop their Mandarin Chinese language skills. Proficiency in Mandarin can enhance an individual’s cross-cultural communication skills and professional opportunities.

Employment Prospects:

Fudan University, a prestigious institution, offers excellent employment prospects. Obtaining a degree from this renowned university can greatly enhance one’s professional potential. The university’s robust connections with government agencies, industry, and corporations provide exceptional job placement prospects.

Cultural Immersion:

Fudan University promotes a diverse and multicultural environment by drawing students from all over the world through global networking. Receiving a scholarship allows individuals to build a useful global network of professors, colleagues, and industry experts, which can greatly benefit their career and academic pursuits.

Personal Development:

The opportunity for independent study and personal growth is encouraged through studying abroad at Fudan University. During the era of globalization, pupils acquire essential life skills such as adaptation, problem-solving, and cultural competency.

The application method for Fudan University scholarships is as follows:

The likelihood of a candidate being awarded the CSC scholarship from Fudan University is greatly enhanced if they possess a letter of acceptance from a professor at a Chinese university. Students are not obligated to obtain an admission letter; this is simply a deceptive tactic. The whole procedure for applying to the Fudan University CSC scholarship program using the CSC web platform is provided below.

The webpage for Fudan University’s International Student Office can be found at the bottom of this page.

  • Find the CSC scholarships in the scholarship area of the Fudan University website.
  • Begin completing an online application using the CSC’s scholarship application portal.
  • Currently, you need to complete two separate applications: one for admission to Fudan University and another for a scholarship via the CSC Scholarship portal.
  • Complete the empty spaces on the provided admission and scholarship application form.
  • Select category B to determine eligibility for the CSC scholarship.
  • Choose Fudan University and input its agency number from the provided drop-down option.
  • The user’s text is a bullet point. After completing the CSC application, proceed to download the submitted form for personal reference.
  • Collect all the necessary attachments.
  • If you are required to submit an application form for Fudan University, kindly complete the form and also download its PDF version.
  • Verify the existence of the Fudan University application fee. If that is the case, then it has been submitted.
  • Ensure that all accompanying documents are included when submitting the downloadable application form.
  • Please transport the documents to the office designated for overseas students at Fudan University.
  • Refer to the Fudan University website to obtain the scholarship outcomes from the CSC.
  • If the candidate already possesses a letter of admission from a professor at their targeted university, the probability of their selection increases.
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Guidelines for filling out the Fudan University CSC Scholarship application form

  • Establish a personal profile or account on the CSC’s website.
  • Fill out the online application form given.
  • To enhance your likelihood of gaining admission to college by applying to multiple institutions, it is advisable to create additional accounts under your identity.
  • Make sure you record the agency number of the college you are applying to or want to be admitted to.
  • Ensure that the application form includes this agency number.
  • Select the specific CSC scholarship category that aligns with your level of education.
  • The remaining particulars must be completed.
  • The user’s text is a bullet point. Please complete and submit the form.
  • Once you have submitted the form, proceed to download it.

How to complete the submission process for all the necessary documents for Fudan University scholarships?

The online platform for the scholarship provides a comprehensive list of the required documents that need to be submitted together with the application form.

Here is a comprehensive list of documents that are mandatory for all universities: The required documents for the application include a minimum of two recommendation letters, all previous academic degrees, transcripts, a scholarship application form for the CSC, an attested copy of the passport, a study plan for graduate students, a statement of purpose (SOP) from undergraduate applicants, a research plan or proposal from potential Ph.D. candidates, and an acceptance letter, preferably from IELTS or TOEFL.

  • Verify whether the university you desire to enroll in requires an additional application in addition to the CSC application form.
  • If there is no requirement for a separate application, simply submit the CSC form along with the other necessary documents to the institution.
  • The text consists of a bullet point. To expedite the application process or allow the university to review your documents electronically prior to receiving physical copies, it is advisable to submit your application and accompanying documentation online.
  • In the application form, there will be a specific part where you need to provide the name of the scholarship sponsor or guarantor. Please write “CSC Scholarship” in the designated space.
  • Before submitting your application, perform a final evaluation.
  • Apply for the vacancy. Submit your documentation to the office designated for international students at your selected university.




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