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Home Secretary Announces New UK Immigration Rules to Cut Migration in UK

December 6th, 2023 at 12:39 am

Home Secretary Announces New UK Immigration Rules to Cut Migration in UK

The UK’s latest immigration reduction policies have been made public by the Home Secretary. Among these plans are the following:

  • First, establish a new list of immigration salaries that includes fewer jobs.
  • Next, raise the annual health surcharge on immigration by 66%. Consequently, £624 to 1,035
  • Furthermore, halt immigration from lowering British workers’ wages.
  • Also, prevent foreign caregivers from bringing their dependents. People only bring dependents they can financially sustain, for this reason.
  • In addition, increasing the minimum income requirement for family visas to 38,700, the same as the minimum wage requirement for skilled workers
  • Finally, raise the salary requirement for skilled workers by a third to 38,700 starting in the spring of 2019.

UK’s 5-Point Plan to Cut Migration

1. End the Abuse of the Health and Care Visa

Stop individuals from abusing the Health and Care Visa. To sponsor visas, care firms in England will need to be supervised by the Care Quality Commission. The UK intends to prohibit foreign care workers from bringing family members with them. Approximately 120,000 dependents accompanied 100,000 care workers and senior care workers.

Just 25% of dependents are expected to be employed in the year ending in September 2023, which means that a substantial portion of them are relying on public services rather than boosting the economy.

2. Increase Health Surcharge

While it is acknowledged that immigrants provide excellent work in the NHS and other health-related sectors, it is equally critical that they contribute sufficiently financially. As a result, this year we will raise the annual immigrant health surcharge by 66%. Consequently, increasing from £624 to £1,035 will allow the nation’s health services to raise almost 1.3 billion more annually on average.

3. Stop Immigration Undercutting the Salary of British Workers

Additionally, the UK intends to restrict immigrants from undercutting British workers’ wages. To bring the skilled worker earnings criteria in line with the median full-term income for those positions, the UK plans to raise it by a third, to £38,700, starting in the spring of 2019. We can continue to bring in the healthcare personnel that our care sector and NHS depend on because those entering under the Health and Social Care Visa channels will be exempt.

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4. Scrap Cut Price Shortage Labor from Overseas

By eliminating the 20% going rate wage reduction for shortage occupations and updating the shortage occupation list, the UK intends to eliminate low-cost labor from abroad. Because of the new higher-skilled worker wage criteria, the UK government has asked the Migration Advisory Committee to evaluate the occupations on this list and establish a new immigration salary list with fewer occupations. People can only bring dependents that they can financially support, for this reason.

5. Raising the Minimum Income for Family Visas

Since 2012, there has not been an increase to the £18,600 minimum income level. This set of actions will begin in the spring of the next year.

6. UK Graduate Route

The UK government has requested the migration advisory council to evaluate The Graduate route to prevent abuse and to safeguard the integrity and caliber of the exceptional higher education sector in the country, having previously prohibited international master students from bringing family members to the country. It must serve the interests of the UK by minimizing misuse prospects while promoting the route to excellent employment for the world’s skilled workforce.

UK Asylum Update – December 2023

According to the UK Home Office, more than 177,000 asylum seekers whose applications were denied are nowhere to be found. This was brought up during the MP’s discussion on Richy Sunak’s plan to eliminate the backlog this year.

The Discontinued Asylum Claims

Claimants withdrew their asylum petitions as a result of their failure to respond to interview summonses and questionnaires. 17,316 applications were canceled as a result of this in 2022 alone. Nevertheless, the number dropped to 24,403 in 2021 compared to 2,141 in 2004 when applications were rejected or withdrawn.

Implications of Withdrawing Applications

An asylum application is no longer valid if it is withdrawn. After filing a claim, the claimant shouldn’t be denied permission to remain in the United Kingdom.

Efforts to Address the Backlog by the UK Home Office

Permanent Secretary of the Home Office, Sir Matthew Rycroft, expressed optimism that his team would succeed in resolving the asylum seekers issue and, according to his report, brought on more case workers to handle claims. However, amid the rush to hit the deadline, conservative MP Tim Loughton questioned the abrupt spike in withdrawn claims.

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Rwanda Deportation Plan

It is also crucial to note that the administration has been carrying out its divisive policy of deporting asylum seekers to Rwanda concurrently. Government officials are almost finished with the Third Country pact, which aims to alleviate the court’s concerns about the Human Rights Provisions, despite the Supreme Court’s rulings.

More than 28,730 people had crossed the English Channel in small boats by the end of November 2023.

Financial Transparency Issues

However, the government does not clarify what its financial commitments to Rwanda are. MPs are anticipated to hold off until they obtain confirmation of any further funds they may have invested in this matter. Dame Labor MP Diana Johnson pointed out that the lack of transparency surrounding the home office’s Flagship policy makes it challenging to assess its efficacy.


While the Home Office attempts to reduce the backlog of asylum cases, there exists a problem with the location of over 177,000 former asylum seekers with claims withdrawn. Concurrently, managing difficulties related to migration and asylum is made more difficult by the contentious Rwanda deportation plan and financial transparency concerns.

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