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Green Card Updates: Eagle Act, Emp. Based Visa Numbers, Priority Date Updates | 2024 Visa Bulletin

December 28th, 2023 at 01:23 am

Green Card Updates: Eagle Act, Emp. Based Visa Numbers, Priority Date Updates | 2024 Visa Bulletin

The proposed legislation known as Eagle Acts 3,291 aims to do away with the per-country cap on green card issuance, which might bring about a significant change in the immigration landscape of the United States. This might be a big change, especially for immigrants hoping to become permanent residents of the US from countries with high demand.

The Proposed Eagle Act

Immigrants in the United States have been filled with excitement and expectation by the Equal Access to Green Cards for Legal Employment Act, particularly those who are facing extended wait times because of per-country green card caps.

Understanding the Eagle Act

The Eagle Act’s main goal is to lessen the difficulties caused by the current per-country restrictions on Green Card allotments. These limitations cause long waiting periods for immigrants from nations like as China and India, which delays the process of gaining permanent status even when they fulfill all eligibility requirements.

Eliminating Country-Based Caps

If the Eagle Act is signed into law, the per-country cap would be removed, resulting in a more fair distribution of green cards. This proposed modification has the potential to significantly reduce the backlog of applications, which would assist immigrants from nations where there is a large demand for green cards.

Impact on Employment-Based Immigration

Experts and competent laborers in employment-based immigration classifications like H-1B Holders of visas may be granted quicker pathways to permanent residence. Based on their qualifications and contributions to the US Workforce, individuals may be able to obtain green cards more quickly thanks to this legislation, which would streamline the application process.

Family-Based Immigration

The Eagle Act may shorten the waiting period for green cards sponsored by family members, which covers family-based immigration as well. Families may be reunited sooner as a result, and the psychological and practical difficulties brought on by separation may be lessened.

Congressional Support and Future Prospects

The Eagle Act has received bipartisan support, which is encouraging and points to a bright future for immigration reform. While it is still in the legislative process, campaigners and immigrants alike are encouraged by its possible impact on the immigration system.

Key Considerations for Applicants

Even if the Eagle Act makes significant changes and suggestions, it is important to monitor the Bill’s development. People can navigate the changing immigration regulations in the United States by seeking advice from immigration specialists and legal professionals.

For immigrants who want to come to the United States, the Eagle Act is a ray of hope. Should it become law, it might result in revolutionary adjustments, providing respite from protracted waiting periods and establishing more easily available pathways to permanent residence. Immigrants are urged to keep aware and ready for any favorable changes to the US immigration system as the bill moves through the parliamentary process.

Employment-Based Visa Numbers for FY 2023 and FY 2024 Predictions

For immigrants who hope to settle in the United States, they must remain up to date on the constantly changing landscape of employment-based visas. Recently, US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) released forecasts for FY 2024 and insights on the use of worker-based visas for FY 2023, with a special emphasis on the availability of EB-5 visas.

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FY 2023 Recap: Utilization of Employment-Based Visas

The Department of State (DOS) set the annual cap for employment-based visas at 197,091 in FY 2023. This figure included the addition of family-based visa numbers that were not used in the previous fiscal year. In addition, 6,396 exabytes (less 5 visas) were carried over from FY 2022 to FY 2023 within particular subcategories, increasing the allotment for employment-based visas.

By the end of FY 2023 on September 30, almost all of the employment-based immigration visas had been used, according to an early evaluation. In cooperation with the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EIR), USCIS has accepted more than 145,000 applications for state adjustment of status for people who are already citizens of the country. Congress did permit the carryover of 10,874 exabytes, less 5 visas, to FY 2024.

FY 2024 Outlook: Anticipated Utilization of Employment-Based Visas

When considering the addition of unused family-sponsored visa numbers from FY 2023 to the employment basis limit for the subsequent fiscal year, DOS projects that the annual cap for employment-based visas will be roughly 161,000 in FY 2024. Furthermore, an additional 10,874 EB-5 visas are available as a result of Congress allowing them to be carried over from the previous fiscal year.

To meet this goal, USCIS and DOS have vowed to take proactive measures. USCIS is resolutely dedicated to optimizing the utilization of all available employment-based visas in FY 2024.

Implications for Immigrants Seeking Employment-Based Visas

Immigrants seeking employment-based visas in the US must have a thorough understanding of the annual restrictions and the process of allocating permits. The data that USCIS and DOS have released provides insightful information on the availability of visas and their anticipated use for the next fiscal year.

These specifics guide immigrants traveling to the US in terms of what to expect when it comes to the distribution of work-based visas. USCIS emphasizes how committed it is to maximizing the use of visas, promoting openness, and creating possibilities for immigrants who want to participate in the labor force of the country.

A complete picture of immigrants attempting to settle and prosper in the US is given by the US announcement about the use of employment-based visas in FY 2023 and the estimates for FY 2024. Aware of the availability and distribution of visas, newcomers can better manage the procedure and get ready for opportunities in the US labor market.

USCIS is unwavering in its dedication to effectively employing the visa pool and will keep working in tandem with DOS to streamline the immigration process for people looking for work in the US.

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January 2024 Visa Bulletin Results and Analysis

The January 2024 Visa Bulletin, which defied earlier predictions of retrogression and priority dates for this month, has revealed a comprehensive summary of the present status of US immigration. Rather, a notation indicating that certain categories have seen an advancement in priority dates

Both the employment-based and family-based visa categories saw favorable improvements in their final action day dates as compared to the December 2023 Visa Bulletin, showing significant advancements. Interestingly, the dates of application filing for the family-based visa categories were the only static element.

These notable changes are in line with the predictions of US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), which recently revealed that 10,840 employment-based visas were rolled over from fiscal year FY 2023 to FY 2024. The Department of State (DOS) projected that the employment-based yearly cap would be roughly 161,000 visas starting in FY 2024.

As a result, significant dates and modifications have been made to make up for the retrogressions that occurred in FY 2023. Additionally, the USCIS’s renewal of the category for specific religious workers, which was announced in the previous month’s bulletin, is a major event in January. After being made inaccessible, this category has been reopened and given an extension till February 2, 2024.

The SS’s decision to extend this C category, which was originally scheduled to expire on November 17, 2023, demonstrates how sensitive it is to the dynamics and demands of the changing immigration landscape.

Results of the January 2024 Visa Bulletin

Family-Based Categories

There have been notable improvements in the final action dates for family-based categories, as seen in the illustration below.

  • F2A (all other chargeable areas): February 8, 2019, to November 1, 2019, Plus 8 months and 24 days
  • F2A China: February 8, 2019, to November 1, 2019, Plus 8 months and 24 days
  • F2A India: February 8, 2019, to November 1, 2019, Plus 8 months and 24 days
  • F2A Mexico: February 8, 2019, to November 1, 2019, Plus 8 months and 14 days
  • F2A Philippines: February 8, 2019, to November 1, 2019, Plus 8 months and 24 days
Employment-Based Categories

There have been notable improvements in the final action dates for family-based categories, as seen in the illustration below.

  • EB-1 China: February 15, 2022, to July 1, 2022, plus 4 months and 16 days
  • EB-1 India: January 1st 2017 to September 1st 2020 plus 3 years and 8 months
  • EB-2 (all other chargeable areas): July 15, 2022, to November 1, 2022, plus 3 months and 17 days
  • EB-2 China: October 22, 2019, to January 1, 2020, plus 2 months and 10 days

Predictions for February 2024 Visa Bulletin

Although there remain significant changes in January, February expects to follow a similar pattern. It exists not anticipated that the USCIS would make substantial modifications to any important categories now that it has a better grasp of the demand for and utilization of visas as of January.

This forecast remains supported by the fact that there existed no retrogressions in January, indicating that February might do the same. However, after assessing the processing results for January 2024, a few small alterations might come up.

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The Visa Bulletin for January 2024 offers a thorough overview of the changing immigration scene. The strategic adjustments made by the SS indicate a proactive approach to align visa availability with the changing demands of the new fiscal year, while stakeholders and immigrants await the February bulletin.

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