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Top 8 Work Visa and Work Permit in the UK 2023 ~ Work in UK

November 1st, 2023 at 03:28 am

Top 8 Work Visa and Work Permit in the UK 2023 ~ Work in UK

Easily navigate the UK’s intricate immigration system to obtain your ideal job right away. We’ll go over eight UK work visas in this post to assist you in fulfilling your dream of working in the UK. We’ll talk about the following visas for people who want to work in the UK:

  • Skilled worker visa
  • Global Business Mobility Visa
  • Health and Care worker visa
  • Graduate Visa
  • Global Talent Visa
  • High-potential individual route
  • Innovator Founder visa
  • Temporary Worker visas

We provide you with crucial details regarding these UK work visas in this post, including the intended audience, eligibility conditions, cost, and potential for settlement.

Skilled Worker Visa

If you’re a migrant worker hoping to work in a certain job, this sponsored UK work visa is perfect for you. Your employment must, however, be in a qualified skilled occupation and be from a home office-approved employer.

You can work in the UK for a maximum of five years with this UK work visa if you meet the minimum wage and skill standards and obtain a job offer from a UK license sponsor. The cost of a UK visa can range from £625 to £1,423, in addition to the immigration health search fee and, typically, the immigration skills fee.

Global Business Mobility Visa

Workers with particular talents are the target audience for this visa. It is important to remember that the Global Business Mobility Visa does not result in permanent residency; instead, it enables employees to support certain initiatives or business requirements in the UK. There are five subcategories under this Visa route:

  • Senior or Specialist worker visa
  • Graduate Trainee Visa
  • UK Expansion Worker Visa
  • Service Suppliers Visa
  • Secondment Workers Visa

Health and Care Worker Visa

The visa for health and care workers is another option. To work in qualifying positions for the NHS, NHS suppliers, or the adult social care industry, foreign medical professionals can apply for a health and care worker visa. The application price is £232 or £464, depending on how long the stay would be. Applicants don’t need to pay the healthcare extra.

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Graduate Visa

This UK work visa is not sponsored. With the Graduate Visa, international students who have earned their degree in the UK can remain and work there for a minimum of two years. In addition to the healthcare premium, the application price for this visa is £700. Another option is to choose the high-potential individual path.

High Potential Individual Route

The goal of this initiative is to draw exceptional talent to the UK. Through the high potential individual route, foreign graduates from certain elite colleges abroad can enter the UK without the need for a work offer or a UK degree. But they have to fulfill the prerequisites.

Global Talent Visa

Do you want to be a leader? After that, you ought to apply for a Global Talent Visa. This unsponsored UK work visa is intended for individuals who are leaders in their professions, such as digital technology, research, academia, and the arts and culture. In addition to the healthcare surcharge, the application costs £68.

Innovator Founder Visa

Entrepreneurs in training may apply for the Innovator Founder Visa. Entrepreneurs can apply for the Innovator Found Visa if they have unique company ideas. An endorsing body that can provide them with time to pursue their venture must accept their business proposal.

Temporary Worker Visas

There are other short-term sponsored UK work visa pathways available in addition to the unsponsored and long-term sponsored employment routes. You can work in the UK for a brief length of time using these visas. Among these visas are:

  • Creative worker visa
  • Charity worker visa
  • Religious worker visa
  • Government-authorized exchange worker visa
  • International agreement worker visa
  • Seasonal worker visa

UK IHS Increases Scheduled for January 2024

The new IHS fees were recently revealed for UK candidates. As everyone knows, maintaining compliance with the Immigration Health Status (IHS) is essential for immigration to the UK. All applicants from the UK are now concerned about this fee increase. It appears that the fee will soon be in effect.

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This article will address the annual new IHS price surcharge for adult applicants, the IHS fee increase, and the effect of the fee increase on businesses.

The current state of the Situation?

The government announced in July 2023 a significant increase to the Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS), which is scheduled to go into effect on January 16, 2024.

IHS fee increase for adults

There anticipates a 66% increase in the annual Immigration Health Surcharge payments for adult applicants. This translates to an incredible £1,035 per person as opposed to the existing £624. Additionally, the annual cost per applicant for students, their dependents, and their children will rise to £776. Thus, a 65% Increase from the £470 of today

What effects would the increase in IHS fees have on businesses?

Companies who employ foreign nationals through the UK immigration system or intend to do so must review their application methods and budget in light of the new fees. Additionally, companies attempting to advance any personnel, transfers, or extensions will find that the current rates are advantageous.

Reasons behind this Massive Hike

In summary, the government decided in mid-2023 to raise the average wage by 6.5% for the years 2023–2024 in response to the public sector workers’ frequent strikes. This choice was made per the advice of multiple independent compensation review committees.

This hike in IHS is a component of a larger plan that also includes other ideas to offset the wage increase and an increase in the visa charge. Make sure to mark January 16, 2024, on your calendar, as the IHS rise has been approved by both chambers of the UK Parliament.

Visit for the most up-to-date information on visa-sponsored jobs, prospective paths benefits, application processes, and others.



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