July 18th, 2023 at 12:07 am
Common Mistakes to Avoid when Applying for a Japan Visa
One of the simpler visas for Filipinos to obtain is a visa to Japan. The Japanese Embassy has been quite accommodating over the past ten years, allowing more Filipinos to travel to and discover Japan.
The process for obtaining a Japanese visa is relatively simple. You finish all of their necessary paperwork, send it to them through a recognized organization, and then wait for the verdict. Each document is evaluated individually by the agencies to ensure that everything is in order.
However, occasionally candidates overlook details that muddle otherwise straightforward procedures.
Here are a few errors that applicants for Japanese visas frequently make.
1. Forgetting to sign the passport
For them to be legitimate, Philippine passports must be signed. Your digital signature can be found on the information page of older passports. However, there is no longer a digital signature in the most recent version, which has a 10-year validity.
You might believe that since you can just sign it, it isn’t a huge deal. However, things become more challenging if you’re requesting something for someone who isn’t physically present. It’s also crucial to remember that the passport needs to be valid for at least six months and contain at least two blank pages.
2. Not using the right paper size (A4)
The standard paper size for Japanese visa applications is A4. Every document that you have the authority to print must be in A4 format. These records consist of:
- Application form
- Daily schedule in Japan (itinerary)
- List of visa Applicants (for group application)
- Invitation letter
- Guarantee letter
- Explanation letters
If the documents are not the correct size, the agency may reject them.
3. Submitting Birth Certificates older than 1 year
The birth certificate must have been issued within the last 12 months by the PSA Main Office or Serbilis Outlet Center. When it is older than that, they won’t take it. In the coding at the bottom of the paper, they may see the date it was issued.
4. Failure to provide additional documents for late registration or no record
The additional procedures that are necessary when the birth certificate is labeled “Late Registration” is another difficulty that many applicants ignore. If you registered after the deadline, you must send a Baptismal Certificate, elementary or high school transcripts, and, if available, a school yearbook (Form 137).
Additionally, send a “Certificate of No Record” from PSA along with a birth certificate from the Local Civil Registrar if there is no record in PSA.
5. Applying too late
Applications are processed quickly at the Japanese Embassy. After submission, you can have your visa as soon as two days later. Despite this, you don’t have to wait until the day before your trip because, in unfortunate circumstances, it may take considerably longer—even several weeks!
Furthermore, some organizations won’t consider applications with travel dates that are less than a week away. If your journey is urgent, call the travel agency first to be on the safe side.
6. Applying as a tourist but staying with a relative
It’s always tempting to apply for a tourist visa instead of a visit visa because the processing costs are much lower and the application process is much simpler. But don’t just do it because it’s easy to get a tourist visa!
Apply for a visit visa if you want to stay with a friend or relative in Japan. A tourist visa is not necessary if your paperwork makes it obvious that you will be visiting and staying with a local.
The obvious Japanese address to include on your application for a tourist visa is a hotel, hostel, or other type of commercial lodging.
7. Ignoring the “List of Visa Applicants” form when applying as a group
The “List of Visa Applicants” form must be completed and submitted if you are applying as a group or family.
Keep the following in mind:
- A REPRESENTATIVE APPLICANT, who will serve as the focal point of your application, is a requirement.
- Also, if you’re applying for a tourist, enter N/A in the “relationship with the inviting person and guarantor” area.
- Additionally, it must be printed on paper that is A4 in size. Other sizes are not acceptable.
This is not required if you are applying alone.
8. Applying for a multiple entry visa when ineligible
If you’re applying for a Japan visa for the first time, it’s preferable to aim for a single entry visa unless there’s a good reason or you qualify. Take action if any of the following apply to you:
- If you have a temporary visitor to Japan within the past 3 years and have enough money to support their trip
- If you’ve visited Japan temporarily within the previous three years AND have frequently visited other G7 nations (apart from Japan) temporarily. Canada, France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom (UK), and the United States (USA) make up the other G7 nations.
- If you are financially well off (but have not visited Japan in the previous three years).
- If you are a spouse or child who is an immediate family member of someone with considerable financial means.
In the interim, if none of the aforementioned apply to you, apply for a single entry visa. If not, you can be putting your application in danger. However, occasionally candidates who didn’t even request them are given multiple entry visas.
9. Not having enough funds to support your trip
The amount of money you should have in the bank is not specified by the Embassy. Not all variables depend on the amount. Most likely, it varies from case to instance. The general guideline is that your finances should be inversely correlated to the length of your stay.
10. Inconsistent application forms and documents
Make sure the data you include on the application form corresponds with the documentation you send as supporting information. Prepare an explanation letter if something doesn’t match.
11. Forgetting the seal or signature on the Guarantee/Invitation Letter
Every component of the Japan visa application, including the invitation and guarantee letters, has a uniform form. The information you need to include is indicated on the form, so you don’t need to hazard a guess.
However, some products situate in a way very simple to miss. The SEAL is just one of them.
Residents of Japan can use a seal to sign official documents. You should have these documents attested by your inviter or guarantor if you are a citizen or resident of Japan. If your inviter or guarantor is a foreign national, they must sign in the same spot without using a seal.
12. Leaving non-applicable fields blank
Write N/A if the question doesn’t apply to you. Because Korea and Japan have different policies and the majority of approved agencies handle both Korean and Japanese visa processing, this is rather complex.
But this is the accepted procedure: Put N/A on the Japan visa application.
Visit Newsnowgh.com for the most up-to-date information on changes to visa criteria, prospective paths to obtaining legal residency, and others.