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Caregiver Jobs in Poland for Foreigners 2024 (5,600 PLN Monthly): Apply

May 22nd, 2024 at 03:36 pm

Caregiver Jobs in Poland for Foreigners 2024 (5,600 PLN Monthly): Apply

You must be qualified for the position as a foreign applicant before applying to prevent dissatisfaction with the caregiver application process in Poland. You should be aware that the members of the Caregiver Jobs in Poland working team are not limited to offering or specializing in flexible, simple, and fun employment in a friendly setting.

For you to comply, I will validate specific information regarding your current job in this article; these details may include their qualifications, skills, and duties.


Over the past few years, Poland has seen a significant increase in the need for caregivers. People with the necessary skills and compassion are desperately needed to fill caregiving positions as the nation’s population ages and its demographics shift. This article discusses the fantastic prospects in Poland in 2024 for immigrants seeking employment as caregivers.

Jobs in Poland for Foreign Caregivers

You have a rare opportunity to obtain work experience, mature into adulthood, and make extra money while working as a caregiver employee. To be a successful caregiver, you need to have good people skills, patience, and compassion. Additionally helpful would be your observational skills and dedication to ensuring your customer feels secure and at ease.

Essential Requirements

  • A lot of knowledgeable and compassionate caregivers have learned by experience; that credentials aren’t always necessary.
  • However, many care certifications may indicate a certain level of hands-on experience and proficiency; some requirements are outlined below:
  1. Language proficiency
  2. Education, experience, or training

Duties of Caregiver Jobs in Poland

  • In addition to providing services that enhance their living environment and make their loved ones feel more comfortable, caregivers keep them company.
  • They also offer essential health care services, including personal care, meal preparation, transportation, and prescription administration.
  • Many different people receive personal care and support from caregivers, and part of this support often consists of helping someone with daily tasks like taking a shower.

Available Caregiver Jobs in Poland

Here is a list of some of the most desirable carer jobs in Poland that will be highlighted for those of you (applicants or candidates) searching for good professions in the field of providing care.

Assistant Caregiver Jobs

In Poland, a caregiver assistant helps and looks after the elderly and disabled, those with mobility issues, and people with long-term medical conditions or mental health issues. They also complete tasks including laundry, bed organization, meal preparation per nutritional guidelines, and room maintenance.

The duties of a caregiver’s assistant include companionship, medication administration, and personal hygiene. Typically, caregiver assistants work at assisted living facilities, helping residents with dressing, eating, using the restroom, going for walks in the garden, and taking medications.

Each employee is looking for a compassionate personal care assistant to help clients with mental, emotional, or physical impairments. In addition, caregivers often offer in-home or facility care to elderly patients, surgical patients, disabled individuals, and veterans.



Both a caretaker and an assistant typically make 5,690 PLN a month in Poland; the average gross income for a caregiver is 52,507 z, or 25 z per hour.


  • Personal care support can involve helping with eating, dressing, grooming, and using the restroom.
  • They provide emotional support and motivation to carry out significant tasks.
  • Help patients with the physical rehabilitation exercises.
  • Meal preparation and planning assisted by clients (when they can)
  • Provide light housekeeping services that clients are unable to accomplish on their own. Be a kind and encouraging friend. Report any unexpected events.
  • It could be necessary to provide a mobility aid, such as helping the client get in and out of bed, a chair, or a wheelchair.
  • They accompany or drive the patient to appointments, including doctor’s visits.
  • It’s important to track and report changes in needs, behavior, and health.


  • Certification as a Care Assistant (Level 2 Diploma in Social and Health Care)
  • Experience working in the social and healthcare sectors
  • Knowledge of regulations by healthcare professionals
  • You have to be at least eighteen.
  • Experience providing dementia care
  • Knowledge of drug administration Proficiency in team management and leadership
  • Understanding how to safeguard vulnerable adults
  • Background checks on employees
  • Knowledge of the fundamentals of critical care


  • Capabilities for compassion
  • Communication skills and observational skills
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Skills related to time management, organization, hygiene, and patience.

Benefits of Caregiver Jobs in Poland

  • Growing Need: The need for caretakers is constantly growing due to Poland’s aging population. This offers a secure work environment and plenty of job chances to immigrant caregivers.
  • Attractive Salary: In Poland, caregiver jobs can come with attractive salaries, particularly for those with specialized training or credentials. Additionally, Poland’s cost of living is quite low when compared to several Western European nations, allowing caretakers to maintain a reasonable standard of living.
  • Support for Lawful Employment and Visas: Many Polish firms assist foreign carers seeking to obtain work visas and lawful employment status. This assistance makes moving easier and ensures that caregivers can legally work in the country.
  • All-Inclusive Benefits: Polish caregivers are entitled to several all-inclusive benefits, including health insurance, paid time off, and pension contributions, among other things. These benefits increase financial stability and overall job happiness.
  • Professional Development: Poland offers a range of training courses and certificates to support caregivers’ professional growth. Through these changes, caregivers can broaden their skill set, improve their employability, and possibly advance toward more lucrative job options.
  • Work-Life Balance: In Poland, jobs that involve providing care often provide caregivers with flexible work hours and schedules, which help them to successfully balance the demands of their personal and professional lives.
  • Work in Poland offers the opportunity to get fully immersed in the language, traditions, and culture of the country. Immersion in a different culture has the power to broaden one’s perspective and accelerate personal development.
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Additional Benefits

  • Friendly Community: In Poland, international caregivers often find themselves part of a friendly community made up of both Polish citizens and other foreigners living there. This network can make the process of moving to Poland for a job and residence easier by fostering a sense of community, social ties, and support.
  • Safe Work Environment: Poland has passed laws to protect workers’ health and safety, especially that of caretakers. These requirements must be met by employers to guarantee a safe and secure work environment.
  • Reasonably Cheap Living Expenses: Poland is known for having a relatively cheap cost of living, which includes housing, transportation, and daily needs. Caregivers can save money and live a pleasant life thanks to its affordability.

Apply Here


Ultimately, for foreigners, becoming a caregiver in Poland in 2024 is a singular and rewarding experience. It’s an attractive career option because of the good income, the opportunity to learn about different cultures, and the chance for advancement. Overcoming challenges such as language hurdles and cultural acclimatization is an essential aspect of the journey that fosters personal and professional development.

People who wish to work as caregivers and immerse themselves in a vibrant culture are welcome in Poland. Seize the opportunity, proceed with caution during the application process, and begin a journey that goes beyond a job.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I train to be a caregiver?

To obtain certification as a caregiver, you can register for an established training program. Many certifying and training organizations regard caregiving as a professional skill. It is usually beneficial to have any related certifications and experience, such as Certified Nursing Assistants/Aides (CNA) certification.

How may an outsider obtain employment in Poland?

Citizens of European Union (EU) nations do not need to obtain a work permit to relocate to Poland and begin seeking employment. You will, however, require a temporary residency permit, which is valid for a maximum of three years, as you will almost definitely be working for more than three months.

What is the salary of a caretaker in Poland?

In Poland, a caregiver makes, on average, PLN 63,075 per year and PLN 30 per hour. A caregiver’s typical pay ranges from PLN 48,063 to PLN 73,231.

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