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Australian Immigration May 2024: Is there a future for the 189 visa?

May 23rd, 2024 at 05:08 am

Australian Immigration May 2024: Is there a future for the 189 visa?

The news that the government was going to curtail the number of students last Friday night was quietly released, and it created quite a commotion. University administrators were having crisis talks with important ministers by Monday morning, including Immigration Minister Andrew Giles, Home Affairs Minister Claire O’Neil, and Education Minister Jason Claire.

Universities that used to work closely with the government are now at war with it because of fear of going bankrupt. University leaders voice their opinion for the first time: “Enough is enough.” Vice-chancellors at significant universities have recently voiced their worries in public.

The worldwide character of the student market was underscored by Professor Mark Scott of the University of Sydney, who also pointed out that prospective students have other highly regarded global universities to think about. In a similar vein, Michael Wesley of the University of Melbourne called attention to the oddity of including the number of overseas students in Australia’s migration statistics, given that eighty percent of these students leave after completing their studies.

Australian Government’s Changing Stance

The administration was aggressively pushing international student enrolment less than a year ago, arranging high-profile marketing tours to India. The education minister’s recent remarks regarding the need to lessen reliance on Chinese and Indian students and diversify student nationalities seem at odds with previous initiatives.

Broken Promises and New Policies

Those who enrolled relying on the government’s earlier pledge that Graduate Visas would be extended for certain International students are disappointed by this development. Furthermore, the government has mandated that colleges diversify their student body, with a particular focus on lowering the proportion of Chinese and Indian students. This has given rise to allegations of discriminatory practices.

Political Responses and Future Uncertainties

Without providing specific implementation plans, opposition leader Peter Dutton has suggested substantially lowering the number of permanent migrants. This suggestion is being made in the middle of ongoing changes that would affect thousands of overseas students, such as the contentious decision to raise the age restriction for the 485 Graduate Visa to 35.

With more changes in store, students hoping to acquire work experience in Australia after graduation are looking ahead.

Australia 482 Work Visa Major Update in 2024

The Australian government is about to make significant changes to Temporary Skill Shortage Visa category 482. This blog aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the latest modifications to the work experience requirements so that immigrants can help themselves comprehend how these changes might impact their visa applications.

READ ON:  Australia's Skilled Migration Trends for the Past Decade 

The Temporary Skill Shortage Subclass 482 Visa is a subclass of Employer-Sponsored visas that helps businesses address labor shortages by bringing in skilled immigrants to the Australian labor market. This kind of visa is only available to foreign workers who have an Australian sponsor who agrees to nominate them.

The ability to work full-time in the selected role and potentially get permanent residency is a notable benefit of this visa. As of right now, applicants for TSS 482 visas need to have worked in the chosen field or a related industry for at least two of the preceding five years, either within or outside of Australia.

New Changes to TSS Visa Work Experience Requirement

One major change to the TSS 482 Visa is the work experience requirement, which was included in the migration policy as a way to help immigrants and graduates meet the skill requirement for a Temporary Skill Shortage Visa. The 2-year work experience requirement for the Subclass 482 Temporary Skill Shortage visa and perhaps the New Skills In-Demand visa will now officially be decreased to one year as of November 23, 2024.

This modification will have an impact on the Labor Agreement Stream, the Medium-Term Stream, and the Short-Term Stream. This won’t, however, have an impact on the other skill criterion that applies to all streams because the applicant still needs to have the abilities, credentials, and job necessary to perform the duties of the designated occupation

Frequently Asked Questions

In light of the upcoming changes to the Australian TSS Visa, some of the most common inquiries are included here.

Does the business and economic climate affect the TSS occupation list?

Even when the Department of Home Affairs makes changes to the Shortage list, a 482 Visa occupation is still marked at the time of application. This suggests that you won’t be impacted if the occupation is removed from the list while your 482 visa application is being handled.

Can I attach a 482 nomination Visa to a pending 482 Visa?

An active 482 Visa cannot be linked to a new nomination. This suggests that if you submit simultaneous applications for a 482 visa and a 482 nomination, and the nomination is rejected, you will have to either withdraw your visa applications or have them rejected as well.

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Can I alter my occupation on a 482 Visa?

If you have a 482 TSS Visa, which will be regarded as your second onshore 482 Visa, and you are nominated in a different occupation with your current sponsor or a new sponsor, you will need to get a new nomination and visa.

How should one apply?

There are responsibilities for both employers and employees when requesting a TSS visa.

  • Assess your qualification: Since the TSS Visa is meant to address Australia’s labor shortage, you should examine if your line of work is included in the Department of Home Affairs Skilled Occupation List.
  • Find a sponsor: Due to the stages and expenses that the employer must cover, you cannot apply for this visa without having a sponsored employer.
  • Your company submits a sponsorship application: Your employer must create an account on ImmyAccount, upload the required files, and submit a sponsorship application.
  • You are a skilled worker nominated by your employer: Once the sponsorship has been approved, your employer may submit an application for you to be considered for a position in their business.
  • Send in your application; you must provide documentation proving you meet all the requirements for a TSS visa.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the specific regulations related to 482 visas. Your family members may be included in your 482 visa application if your sponsor approves of it, either at the time of the initial application or after you acquire the visa.

Follow us on to stay updated on the latest information regarding work permits, visa application processes, paths to permanent residency, and visa-sponsored employment.


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