October 17th, 2019 at 06:52 pm
SHOCKING! GES closes down recruitment portal few hours after opening
The Ghana Education Service has closed applications for job after opening under 24 hours. Recruitment of the 2019/2020 session is now on hold.
GES Promotions Portal is the official platform for recruitment into the Education service. Applicants had signals from social media especially the eagle eye news website, www.newsnowgh.com.
Earlier this morning, correspondents of newsnowgh were prompted of the portal being opened and made a publication subsequently. Thousands of its cherished readers trooped in to apply successfully.
Screen shot of the application page is found below :
The homepage of the same gespromotions.gov.gh has been updated with a notice.
Ghana Education Service is not recruiting at the moment. The general public should take note and desist from paying monies to anyone for recruitment.
Thank you.”
This usually does not happen. It is unclear why such anomaly should occur. Newsnowgh.com is monitoring from behind to update its cherished readers.