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Office and Facility Cleaner Jobs in Saudi Arabia with Visa Sponsorship (SAR 1000 per month)

May 17th, 2024 at 06:02 am

Office and Facility Cleaner Jobs in Saudi Arabia with Visa Sponsorship (SAR 1000 per month)

We’re back with another fantastic career opportunity for unskilled folks that might transform their lives: Office and facility cleaner jobs in Saudi Arabia with an online application process. An office cleaner is responsible for keeping the inside of the workplace clean and tidy, whereas a facility cleaner is in charge of basic cleaning activities such as sweeping, dusting, mopping, and vacuuming outside the office building.

The only job term that should be modified is “cleaner.” Both men and women can apply for this position. The income is reasonable, and there are numerous additional benefits. Continue reading for more information on office and building cleaning jobs in Saudi Arabia.


In recent years, there has been a high demand for office and facility cleaner positions in Saudi Arabia, which also provides visa support. As the economy improves, many businesses are seeking professional and dedicated cleaners to keep their workplaces clean and well-organized.

Job Market in Saudi Arabia

In Saudi Arabia, there are numerous employment openings, and there is an increasing demand for professional office and construction personnel. Hospitality, healthcare, and commercial offices are all actively looking for cleaners to ensure that cleanliness and sanitation standards are followed.

Visa sponsorship: A key attraction.

One of the most appealing aspects for jobseekers is the opportunity to obtain a visa sponsor. This not only expedites the relocation process, but also makes people who desire to work in Saudi Arabia feel more secure and stable.

Details about Office and Facility Cleaner Jobs in Saudi Arabia Visa Sponsorship

  • Job title: Office/Facility Cleaner
  • Country: Saudi Arabia.
  • Yes, accommodation is free.
  • Free Food: No.
  • Visa Sponsorship: Yes.
  • Free health insurance: Yes
  • Free medical care: Yes
  • Free transportation: Yes
  • Additional Benefits: As per Saudi labor law
  • Expected salary: SAR 1000 per month


  • You must be legally permitted to work in Saudi Arabia, which means you cannot have a criminal record or a previous illness.
  • Arabic and English should be simple for you to learn.
  • You do not require any training.
  • There is no need for schooling.

Benefits of Office and Facility Cleaning Jobs in Saudi Arabia Visa Sponsorship

  • Health and safety are improved in the workplace through proper upkeep and sanitation of work environments. Consistent cleaning reduces the spread of infections and the possibility of staff disease.
  • Productivity: A clean and organized work environment has the ability to boost employee morale and productivity. The absence of debris allows personnel to focus on their tasks without interruptions.
  • Professional Image: Keeping an office or facility clean reflects positively on the organization. It helps to create a professional and welcoming impression among potential clients, guests, and business associates.
  • Long-Term Asset Protection: Maintaining consistent cleaning techniques helps to preserve workplace furnishings, equipment, and buildings. This can lessen the frequency with which assets need to be replaced or restored, hence increasing their longevity.
  • Regulation Adherence: Hygiene and sanitation standards and regulations apply to a wide range of sectors. Facility and office cleaners aid firms in adhering to these standards, avoiding any legal issues.
  • Environmental Implications: A growing number of cleaning firms are using eco-friendly procedures, supplies, and methods. This method not only reduces the environmental footprint but also aligns with the goals of corporate social responsibility.
  • Job Security: Because of the continual need in the janitorial services industry, workers in these roles are guaranteed a job. As long as facilities and offices exist, there will be a need for cleaning workers.
  • Flexibility: Cleaning jobs usually offer flexible scheduling possibilities, which meet the demands of people with varying work schedules or those looking for part-time work. This flexibility may be especially appealing to students and those with other obligations.
  • Proficiency Acquisition: Working in the cleaning sector may require the acquisition and mastery of a variety of cleaning procedures, proper use of cleaning equipment, and good time management skills. These qualities have the ability to dramatically enhance one’s personal and professional development.
  • Teamwork and Independence: The manner in which cleaners work, whether collaboratively or individually, is determined by the size of the facility. This promotes the development of solitary and collaborative work skills.
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Office or Facility Cleaners’ Job Obligations and Duties

  • Cleaning the office floor, tables, shelves, computers, desks, and other office items such as furniture with dust.
  • Mopping, sweeping, and vacuuming the office, building, or area surrounding the office, whether inside or outside.
  • Notifying bosses or office managers that cleaning supplies are running short and must be refilled.
  • Keeping track of the cleaning tools on hand.
  • Getting dirt and grime off windows and doors.
  • Toilets, cabins, meeting rooms, and work places must be cleaned and sanitized.
    Clean the walls.

Average salary for an office/facility cleaner in Saudi Arabia

The average compensation for an office or facility cleaning varies depending on where they work, their level of experience, gender, and profile. According to the Pay Scale, an average office cleaner with one to four years of experience earns SAR 9,600 per year, including tips, bonuses, extra pay, and any other compensation. This job advertisement pays SAR 12,000 per year, which does not include any further compensation. That indicates this company pays you more than the average!

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How to Apply for Office and Facility Cleaning Jobs in Saudi Arabia

  • Please click the link provided below.
  • Begin by creating an account. If you already have an account, please sign in.
  • When you register for an account, you will receive a confirmation email.
  • If you can’t find the email in your inbox, check the junk or trash folder.
  • After verifying the email address, click on the job you wish to apply for.
  • Send in your CV and any other requested information.



Finally, working as an office and facility cleaner in Saudi Arabia provides not just job security and fair pay, but also opportunities for personal and professional growth. It’s a satisfying career path since you can learn about different cultures while making a meaningful difference.

Frequently asked questions:

What Is the Average Salary for an Office/ Facility Cleaner in Saudi Arabia?

The average compensation for an office or facility cleaning varies depending on where they work, their level of experience, gender, and profile. According to the Pay Scale, an average office cleaner with one to four years of experience earns SAR 9,600 per year, including tips, bonuses, extra pay, and any other compensation. This job advertisement pays SAR 12,000 per year, which does not include any further compensation. That indicates this company pays you more than the average!

What is the role of a cleaner in an office?

As an office cleaner, you use cleaning equipment and supplies to keep the workplace clean and tidy. Sweeping, mopping, and buffing floors, vacuuming carpeted areas, dusting surfaces, scouring and disinfecting restrooms, and polishing woodwork are all part of your job obligations.

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Is cleaning a good job?

Provide a good wage and the opportunity to participate in additional training to further develop your abilities. Cleaning employees are frequently rewarded for their efforts. Cleaning is also a fairly flexible job, so you can work the hours that suit you and your current situation.



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