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Steps to Prevent Canada Application Processing Delays

May 23rd, 2024 at 12:31 am

Steps to Prevent Canada Application Processing Delays

Here’s a brief tip for wannabe immigrants on how to avoid application processing delays. The goal is to help newcomers find their way to Canada as soon as possible. This is because some intending immigrants encounter difficulties during the application procedure, which may jeopardize their Canadian voyage.

Overview of Canada’s Visa Application Process

Do you wish to live in a place that welcomes all cultures and provides outstanding education and work opportunities? So, Canada is for you. Thousands of people have moved. If you want to be the next, you must first obtain a Canadian visa. To find out if you can travel to this open country, you must first understand how to apply for a visa in Canada. Find out how to apply for your visa in five simple steps.

1. Choose the Right Program for You.

There are nearly a hundred immigration schemes and visas available. The key to a successful visa application is to select a Canadian immigration program that meets your specific needs. For example, if you want to work in Canada, you should apply through a Canadian work visa program like the Temporary Foreign Worker Program or the Caregiver Pilot.

2. Determine your eligibility to apply. Lady working on laptop.

Regardless of the type of visa you are seeking for, one thing stays consistent regarding Canada’s visa application process: you must ensure that you meet the requirements before applying.

Each immigration program has its own set of eligibility requirements that you must complete before applying.

3. Gather all necessary documentation.

Once you’ve chosen on the best Canadian immigration program for you, you’ll need to gather all the necessary documents.

Aside from the normal paperwork that you will most likely need to provide for any Canadian visa application, specialized programs may require additional documentation.

4. Take necessary assessments

Most programs will require you to have a medical examination, thus it is recommended that you do so if the Canadian immigration program you apply for demands one.

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In addition to a medical test, depending on the type of visa program you apply for, you may be required to complete the IELTS (International English Language Testing System)

5. Apply for a visa.

The next step is to begin the application process for a visa to enter Canada after you have chosen a visa program and verified that you are eligible for the eligibility conditions. You should make use of our RCICs, who are verified and dedicated, in order to increase the likelihood that your application for a Canadian visa will be approved. They will be happy to guide you through the full application procedure.

Steps to avoid application processing delays.

The IRCC is unable to guarantee that applicants will not experience any delays in the processing of their applications. There are, however, a few activities that are suggested in order to significantly reduce the risk of such delays occurring. In essence, individuals are required to complete four stages prior to and during the application process. In order to prevent these errors or excessive delays in the processing of their applications, it is essential to take the following actions:

  • Completing and signing the application forms: Ensure that application forms are completed and signed as required. This is because failing to do so may cause the department to return your application.
  • Match the application to the document checklist: If your application does not include all the required documents listed on the document checklist, IRCC will return it.
  • Fee payment and receipt of payment: You must pay the full amount to IRCC and show proof of payment in the form of receipts.
  • Right to Permanent Residence Fees: Applicants do not need to pay the RPR fee while applying for permanent residence. However, they must pay this amount while in the process of becoming permanent residents. The IRCC confirms that this cost must be paid as soon as you receive a letter confirming it. As a result, they will be able to avoid future delays.
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Starting April 30, 2024, the pricing for Canadian PR has increased from $515 CAD to $575 CAD.

Steps you need to follow after applying for Canadian PR

Candidates applying for Canadian PR can take the following actions to avoid processing delays:

  • Synchronizing paper applications with IRCC’s online accounts: Depending on the type of application, one can sync with an online IRCC account. As a result, if you are eligible, you will be able to get updates on your application status.
  • Keeping your contact information up to date: This will allow you to take calls if the IRCC approaches you in the future to request additional information. The department will be able to reach you at the specified time.
  • Updating the most current pertinent modifications using IRCC’s webform: Critical updates to the application must be updated immediately. These could include changes in your birth, marriage, or job status. Updating these types of adjustments can help them prevent future delays, and they can do so using the IRCC webform.
  • Answer quickly to IRCC when they contact you: the department asks candidates to answer as soon as possible if it interacts with them. In addition, applicants must follow all of IRCC’s instructions regarding extra facts or documents. This will assist avoid them from experiencing any processing delays.
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