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Portugal Job Seeker Visa 2024: Visa Types, Eligibility & Application Process

June 13th, 2024 at 01:51 pm

Portugal Job Seeker Visa 2024: Visa Types, Eligibility & Application Process

For those who want to come to Portugal and live there only in pursuit of work, Portugal has created Portuguese job seeker visas. Once you get this visa, you can start working and keep going until the visa expires or you get a Portuguese residency permit. This visa is good for 120 days and allows one entry into Portugal; it can be extended for a further 60 days. You need a job offer from a Portuguese company to apply for a job seeker visa.

Types of Portuguese Visas

Portuguese visas come in a variety of forms, depending on one’s occupation and credentials.

  1. You need a job offer in one of the eligible professions or occupations—such as engineers, scientists, IT specialists, medical experts, or administrative staff—to apply for a work visa for experienced workers.
  2. You must operate your own business or be a service provider to qualify for a self-employed work visa. If you operate in an area where you are extremely competent and make more money than 1.5 times the average gross annual salary in Portugal, you may be eligible to apply for and be granted a highly skilled worker visa.
  3. A work visa for cultural activities is the best type of visa if you want to engage in Portugal’s cultural activities. It enables you to work on initiatives the Portuguese government has reorganized centered around Portugal’s cultural activities.
  4. Those who are offered a position by a Portuguese research center or educational institution are granted a work visa for teaching. Additionally, if a technology-based employer extends a job offer to you, you are eligible for a tech visa.

Benefits of Portugal Job Seekers Visa

  • Extended Stay: Non-EU/EEA citizens are given a visa that allows them to stay in Portugal for up to a year to look for work.
  • Legal Authorization: Job Seeker Visa holders have the legal right to live in Portugal while they look for work, so they can attend interviews and participate in job market activities without breaking any visa rules.
  • Getting into the Work Market: Candidates are given the ability to look for jobs in a variety of sectors and industries throughout the country by being granted entry to the Portuguese labor market.
  • Sponsorship Not Required: Unlike other work visas that require an employment offer, the Job Seeker Visa in Portugal does not require previous sponsorship or a job offer to apply. This freedom allows people to look at a wide range of opportunities.
  • Getting Work Permits: People who find employment during the visa period can apply for work permits and other relevant residence permits, which will allow them to live and work legally in Portugal.
  • Approach to Residency: Finding work may lead to opportunities for long-term residency or citizenship in Portugal, provided that the applicant continues to abide by Portuguese immigration regulations and meets the necessary conditions.
  • Opportunity to Experience the Portuguese Way of Life: During the job search, candidates can deepen their understanding of Portugal before committing to anything major, like permanent residence or employment, by immersing themselves in Portuguese culture, language, and lifestyle.

Requirements and Eligibility for Portuguese Work Visa

The following is a list of the paperwork needed to apply for a work visa in Portugal:

  • Application for a national visa signed by the applicant
  • A valid passport
  • Expert Resume
  • Passport-sized photos that meet the criteria for a Portugal visa
  • Proof that you have enough money to maintain yourself
  • Your criminal history is defined by the laws of the nation where you currently reside. You also need to get your criminal history from every nation where you have resided for longer than a year.
  • A record authorizing the SEF to examine your criminal past in Portugal.
  • Proof of health insurance Evidence that you live in Portugal
  • Contract of employment If you already live in Portugal, you must provide documentation of your legal entry into Portuguese territory, such as a visa.
  • If you are applying from a nation other than your own, you will need to present documentation of your permitted stay, like a visa or residency permit.
  • You must hire a competent translator to translate any documents you own that are not in English or Portuguese. Additionally, you need to have the Portuguese Embassy in your nation or an Apostille Stamp legitimize your civil documents.

Work Permit Application

If your employer extends an offer of employment, they will file your application for a Portuguese work visa. They have to apply for a work permit on your behalf to the Portuguese Immigration and Borders Service (Servico de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras, SEF) or the Portuguese Labor Authorities.

After verification, employers must provide a set of documents to be approved for a Portugal work visa. These records include an employment contract, the business’s tax filings, evidence of the company’s Social Security registration, and proof that no Swiss, EU, or EEA national could have been hired for the role.

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Application for Portugal Job Seekers Visa

Once approved, you can apply at the Portuguese embassy in your home country for a work permit to enter Portugal. You can work in Portugal and apply for a residence permit after you have this visa. The Portuguese embassy will make an appointment for you at the SEF so that you can let them know when you plan to go and where you will be living in Portugal. To apply for a residency permit.

What Is the Price of a Portugal Work Visa?

When requesting a work visa for Portugal, numerous fees must be paid for different reasons. These costs consist of a €83 application submission fee for a residence permit at the SEF, a €90 entry visa fee (which varies depending on the country), and a

How Much Does a Portugal Work Visa Cost?

You must pay three fees when applying for a work visa to Portugal: the €90 entry visa fee from the Portuguese Embassy (which may differ for different countries), the €83 residence permit application submission fee at the SEF, and the €72 residence permit for work fee that you receive from the SEF.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the cost of applying for a Portugal visa?

Ninety euros is the visa charge.

How much time does it take to process a Portugal visa?

An application for a visa typically takes at least 15 calendar days to process. When everything is said and done, will I get my visa? The Portugal Visa Application Center is a center for visa applications; nevertheless, it cannot guarantee you a visa.

For whom is a Portugal job seeker visa appropriate?

The following conditions must be satisfied for you to be qualified for a Portugal Job Seeker Visa:

  • You have to be a non-EU citizen.
  • A passport that is currently valid and expires at least three months after your anticipated departure from Portugal is required
  • In the nation where you were born or currently reside, you must have a spotless criminal record.

Follow us on to stay updated on the latest information regarding work permits, visa application processes, paths to permanent residency, and visa-sponsored employment.


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