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Unskilled Jobs in Singapore for Foreigners 2024: Apply Here

May 12th, 2024 at 07:09 pm

Unskilled Jobs in Singapore for Foreigners 2024: Apply Here

One interesting feature of some of these job opportunities is that foreign workers typically enjoy the same benefits and chances for professional growth as citizens of the nation in which they are employed. The easiest ways to leave one’s home country for another are through work and education, as these two travel-related reasons are less likely to result in visa denials from immigration officials.

For international applicants without a degree who want to work and live in Singapore as legal citizens while earning a sizable monthly salary, unskilled jobs are among the greatest career opportunities in Singapore. You can find out everything you need to know about finding unskilled employment in Singapore that sponsors your visa on this page. You can also discover how to apply for jobs online from your home country.

What are visa-subsidized unskilled jobs?

Visa sponsorship unskilled jobs are employment opportunities available to foreign candidates where a host country is willing to sponsor a foreign worker’s visa and travel documents so they can be employed there. Based on the demands of the available work, there are two main groups of visa sponsorship employment: skilled and unskilled.

Jobs involving visa sponsorship that don’t require a lot of schooling or professional experience usually include manual labor or routine tasks. Retail, food service and manufacturing jobs are a few examples of unskilled visa sponsorship jobs.

Are there visa-sponsored jobs in Singapore for unskilled workers?

Tens of thousands of unskilled work positions in Singapore are competitively filled by thousands of international applicants from Africa, Asia, North and South America, and other countries. You could start by looking via Internet job boards or getting in touch with employment agencies that specialize in placing foreign workers in unskilled visa sponsorship positions if you’re interested in finding one.

Notably, because there may be more applicants and fierce rivalry for unskilled jobs, obtaining a visa sponsorship for an unskilled occupation may be more difficult than for a skilled one.

How to Find Unskilled Jobs with Visa Sponsorship in Singapore

In Singapore, one can find low-skilled work in a few different methods. The following are well-known methods for finding well-paying jobs in Singapore that sponsor a visa:

  • Job boards: A lot of Singaporean companies use online job boards to advertise job openings, including those that require a visa. You can use these employment sites to search for openings that fit your skills and experience, and then apply straight to the company. Three of the most widely used job boards in Singapore are Workopolis, Indeed, and LinkedIn.
  • In Singapore, several recruitment agencies focus on matching foreign nationals with jobs sponsored by visas. These agencies are available for you to contact with your resume and desired work position; they will help you find opportunities that align with your skills and experience.
  • Jobs in their industry, including those that qualify for visa sponsorship, are posted on job boards or career tools that are maintained by numerous professional associations in Singapore. Employers can be contacted directly by applying through these resources.
  • Job openings are posted on the websites of many Singaporean companies. You can search these websites for job openings that fit your experience and skills, apply directly to the business, and get your application accepted.
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Unskilled laborers in Singapore might make up to $3,000 a month. But it’s important to keep in mind that some workers make more or less than $3,000 a month.

List of Unskilled Jobs in Singapore

Foreign nationals sponsored by a visa can work in unskilled jobs in Singapore.

  • Cashier
  • Call center operator
  • Data input operator
  • Receptionist Telemarketer Receptionist
  • Farm laborer
  • Home care aide
  • Warehouse worker
  • Forklift operator
  • Factory employee
  • Mail carrier
  • Retail salesperson
  • Food service employee (e.g., server, cook, dishwasher)
  • Housekeeper or maid service
  • Security Officer
  • Customer service professionals
  • Janitor or housekeeper
  • Delivery driver Landscaper
  • Construction workman
  • Fruit picker

Job Benefits

  • Legal Authorization: Obtaining a work permit or pass for a low-skilled position in Singapore ensures that you abide by all immigration laws and regulations and grants you legal authorization to work in the nation.
  • Employment opportunities: Due to Singapore’s extremely broad economy, there are several unskilled job opportunities in sectors like manufacturing, services, retail, hospitality, and construction. Applications from foreign nationals are accepted for employment that may not require a high school degree or a lot of experience.
  • Competitive compensation: In Singapore, a lot of low-skilled positions come with competitive compensation as well as benefits like bonuses, allowances, and overtime. You might also get lodging, transportation, or other perks from some businesses.
  • Promotion inside the Company: Getting your first job may not require a lot of talent, but it will help you advance within the company. International employees have the opportunity to gain practical work experience, acquire transferable skills, and explore career progression opportunities within the organization or sector.
  • Professional Development: Employers in Singapore frequently provide training and development opportunities to all of their employees, including those in low-skilled positions. In the long run, this can help you get employed, improve your performance at work, and acquire new skills.
  • Cultural Exchange: Foreign workers in Singapore can take advantage of the diverse and international environment of the city-state. It enables you to network with individuals worldwide, meet people from diverse backgrounds, and learn about other nations.
  • Social and Medical Benefits: Foreign employees in Singapore are entitled to social and medical benefits, including insurance coverage and public health services. Additionally, they have the option to contribute to the Central Provident Fund (CPF), a social security savings plan that provides benefits for housing, health care, and retirement.
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  • Valid Work Permit or Employment Pass: For foreign nationals to lawfully work in Singapore, they must possess a valid work permit or employment pass. The kind of pass needed is determined by several variables, including the length of work, pay grade, and job-specific abilities.
  • Employer Sponsorship: To obtain a work visa or employment pass, unskilled job seekers in Singapore must receive a job offer from an employer who is prepared to sponsor their application. To hire foreign labor, the company needs to fulfill the necessary standards and be registered with the Ministry of Manpower (MOM).
  • Job Matching: The position must be on the MOM’s Ineligible Occupations List as an eligible occupation for foreign workers. Hiring foreign workers for unskilled occupations may be restricted in some industries or positions.
  • Medical Examination: To make sure they are in excellent health and free of communicable diseases, foreign workers must have a medical examination performed by a facility in Singapore or their home country that has been certified by MOM.
  • Security Bond: To ensure that a foreign worker complies with employment laws and leaves Singapore on time after their job term, certain work permits may require the employer to post a security bond.
  • Skills and Experience: Having appropriate work experience can be helpful, especially in sectors like construction, manufacturing, hospitality, or services, even if unskilled occupations may not require formal schooling or specialized skills.
  • Language Proficiency: For efficient communication and job performance, it may be required to be proficient in English or other languages often used in the workplace, depending on the specific requirements of the position.

How to Apply

Simply click the “apply now” link below to apply for a high-paying unskilled job in Singapore with a sponsored visa if you are a foreign national. You will find hundreds of available positions on the main page; you will need to open the most recent one to review the guidelines and prerequisites for applying.

Apply Here


For foreign workers, unskilled occupations in Singapore that sponsor a visa provide legal authorization, competitive pay, career progression, and opportunities for cross-cultural interaction. How to locate these chances, apply for work permits, and take advantage of Singapore’s wide range of job prospects is covered in this in-depth guide.

Keep up with us on for the most recent updates on work permits, visa application procedures, routes to permanent residence, and jobs sponsored by visas.




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