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Express Entry Draw Predictions! CEC Draws & What’s Next for Category Draws

June 8th, 2024 at 04:46 am

Express Entry Draw Predictions! CEC Draws & What’s Next for Category Draws

For skilled workers hoping to move to Canada, the Express Entry system is a ray of hope. Talent from all over the world is drawn to Express Entry because of its transparent criteria and simplified application process, which operate as a pathway to permanent residency.

Analyzing Express Entry invitation numbers reveals A story of expansion, adjustment, and wise distribution that reflects Canada’s dedication to promoting both cultural variety and economic development

Canadian Experience Class (CEC) Express Entry Draws

On May 31, Canada began accepting applications for the Canadian Experience Class (CEC) Express Entry program again following a 32-month hiatus. All of the CEC candidates in the pool should be pleased with this development, but it’s crucial to have reasonable expectations for the next CEC drawings in 2024.

In this blog post, we conduct a thorough analysis based on real data and project results for the remaining months of 2024 for all Express Entry drawings, including CEC.

How Many Invitations will be Issued from June to December?

The IRCC has not disclosed a set quantity for the total number of invites that will be sent out in 2024. However, based on invitations from prior years, we can estimate the approximate number. In 2023, Canada awarded 110,266 Invitations to Apply through 42 Express Entry lotteries. The goal for Express Entry was 82,880 applications per year.

According to immigration statistics, the Express Entry system is a crucial tool for bringing qualified professionals to Canada by providing a quicker route to permanent residency. Observing how Express Entry invitations have changed over time offers valuable perspectives on Canada’s immigration situation.

As of May 31, 2024, 41,955 invites had been sent by Canada using the Express Entry system, an essential tool for skilled migration. This number indicates a noteworthy advancement towards the yearly goal established by the Canadian government, which is 110,770 invites for 2024.

Analyzing this milestone in prior years reveals some interesting trends. The system witnessed an astounding 110,266 invitations sent out in 2023, exceeding the goals from the year before. The deliberate allocation of an extra 25,000 invitations to the Transition to Permanent Residence track, however, is noteworthy and shows Canada’s dedication to easing the integration of temporary residents into permanent residents.

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Further Details

Looking back to 2022, 46,539 invites were sent out, showing a consistent rise over the year before. Interestingly, the government increased the number of invites to the Transition to Permanent Residence stream by forty thousand, highlighting the importance of this route in Canada’s immigration policy.

The number of invitations for Express Entry increased to 114,224 in 2021, reflecting strong demand for skilled immigration to Canada. This increase exceeded the yearly goal of 108,500 invitations, highlighting the allure of Canada’s immigration laws and its kind attitude toward highly qualified individuals.

Examining these numbers reveals Canada’s proactive strategy for attracting and retaining talent. The methodical distribution of invites for the Transition to Permanent Residence pathway highlights Canada’s dedication to developing a competent and diversified labor force while easing the assimilation of temporary workers into Canadian society.

All things considered, Canada’s immigration policy remains firmly based on the Express Entry system, which promotes innovation, cultural variety, and economic expansion across the country. Never forget that a portion of the processing inventory is carried over to the following year, so the quantity of invites sent out is never equal to the annual targets.

The number of people who arrive in Canada as permanent residents in a particular year is subject to annual targets.

2024 Express Entry Annual Target

Express Entry will have a 110,770 annual target in 2024, and this year there is no TR to PR allotment. Since this figure is comparable to 2021, the IRCC should issue roughly 110,000 Invitations to Apply in 2024, according to our conservative estimate.

It is anticipated that around 68,000 additional ITAs will be granted in future draws, as 41,955 ITAs have already been issued in 19 Express Entry draws this year. This indicates that 9,700 ITAs should be issued each month on average.

Future of CEC-only Express Entry Draws

The government feels that converting them to permanent residents is one way to address the current housing crisis and reduce the number of temporary residents (TRs), as the issue of the growing population of TRs in Canada has been brought to light. First and foremost, it is for this reason that CEC drawings have now resumed.

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This year’s All-Program drawings should see between 25,000 and 26,000 more ITAs if the IRCC sticks to its general draw quota of about 40%. We believe that invites to the CEC draw should comprise a significant portion of these upcoming General draws.

The CRS cutoff score for CEC-only draws is anticipated to remain at or near 550 if the IRCC announces any general draws. The future rounds of invitations are anticipated to see the CRS cut-off score remain over 500. It is now impractical and unexpected for CEC applicants to have cut-off scores below dream levels of 450; thus, they will need to look at ways to raise their CRS scores.


Express Entry stands out as a symbol of Canada’s inclusive vision and steadfast dedication to talent acquisition in the mosaic of international migration. A key component of Canada’s immigration policy, the Express Entry system endures as the country changes and adapts to shifting economic and demographic conditions.

Express Entry not only satisfies the ambitions of talented people but also strengthens the fabric of Canadian society by adding to its dynamism, innovation, and resilience through its transparent and merit-based process.

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