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Canada PR Processing Time March 2024 – Express Entry & PNP

March 12th, 2024 at 09:53 am

Canada PR Processing Time March 2024 – Express Entry & PNP

Particularly in 2024, the path to permanent residence in Canada is a topic of great attention and significance. Prospective immigrants are keen to understand the timeframe required to obtain permanent residence status as immigration laws change and the need for qualified labor persists.

Planning one’s future in Canada requires knowing how long this procedure takes, from qualifying requirements to processing periods. Obtain all available information.

Canadian PR 2024

When applying for permanent residency (PR) in Canada, foreign people frequently search for the quickest route to their objective and a fresh start on a basic level. There are four main immigration classes in Canada:

  1. Economic immigration
  2. Family class sponsorship
  3. Humanitarian or compassionate immigration
  4. Immigration for refugees or protected persons

But Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) offers foreign nationals over a hundred options to immigrate to Canada within the four General classes. Whichever Canadian PR scheme a person chooses, they will all consider how quickly they can arrive in Canada and establish themselves using their preferred route.

To give prospective applicants an indication of how long the application processing procedure will take, IRCC publishes its service standards.

What are Service Standards?

Service standards indicate the time, usually in weeks or months, that the IRCC has judged appropriate to reach a final decision on an application. These criteria vary based on the type of application that the candidate submits.

Note: According to the IRCC, the department strives to process 80% of applications across all business lines within service standards, and that service standards only apply to applications with complete information and supporting documentation.

The service standards established by IRCC for the various permanent residency pathways offered by the Department are outlined here.

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Economic Class Immigration

The IRCC observes that when an asterisk appears next to a service standard, it exclusively relates to the federal government and excludes the processing time for provinces and territories.

  1. Express Entry Federal Skilled Worker program (electronic applications) – 180 days
  2. Express Entry Canadian Experience Class (electronic applications) – 180 days
  3. Express Entry Federal Skilled Trades Program (electronic applications) – 180 days
  4. Provincial Nominee Programs (paper applications) – 11 months
  5. Provincial Nominee Programs (electronic applications) – 180 days
  6. Quebec Selected Skilled Worker Program (paper applications) – 11 months

Family Class Sponsorship

The department has said that this service requirement applies to family class priority applications, such as those filed by SL on behalf of dependent children of Canadian citizens and permanent residents, as well as those for foreign spouses, common-law partners, conjugate partners, and parents.

  • IRCC service standard (electronic applications) – 12 months

Permanent Resident Cards

The IRCC uses permanent resident cards to confirm a foreign national’s status as a PR. For Canadian permanent residents living in Canada, this card, which has the cardholder’s photo on it, serves as both a travel document and a form of identity.

The initial permanent resident card for a PR must be issued within 60 days of the IRCC verifying that the PR form was completed at a port of entry or an IRCC inland office.

IRCC’s Performance Against Service Standards in 2022-2023

Based on IRCC statistics, the department performed better in some areas than others in terms of the number of applications handled in 2022–2023 within the outlined service standard. The IRCC makes it clear that the fiscal year between April 1, 2022, and March 31, 2023, is covered by the performance framework below.

  1. Express Entry Federal Skilled Worker Program: 80% of applications were processed within the service standard
  2. Express Entry Canadian Experience Class: 85% of applications were processed within the service standard
  3. Express Entry Federal Skilled Trades Program: IRCC received no applications through this program in 2022-2023
  4. Provincial Nominee Programs: 23% of paper applications were processed within the service standard while 70% of electronic applications were processed within the service standard
  5. Quebec Selected Skilled Worker Program: 48% of applications were processed within the service standard
  6. Family Class Sponsorship: 66% of applications were processed within the service standard
  7. Initial Permanent Resident Cards: 73% of applications were processed within the service standard
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The path to becoming a permanent resident of Canada in 2024 is determined by several variables, such as processing times, individual circumstances, and immigration laws. Although every applicant’s journey will be unique, maintaining up to date on the most recent developments and consulting with immigration experts can make the process easier to navigate.

In the end, gaining permanent residence in Canada is a significant accomplishment that leads to new opportunities and a more optimistic future in this hospitable and diverse country.

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