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Alternatives for Canada Immigration | Other Options For Foreigners

August 3rd, 2023 at 04:13 am

Alternatives for Canada Immigration | Other Options For Foreigners

We all know that getting into Canada takes a long time and is hard to do. Canada is not for everyone, of course. Either it’s too cold, too far, too slow, or there are too many rules about who can do it.

We’re going to tell you about some other, less strict, fast, and easy programs for the UK, Europe, the Caribbean Islands, the US, and even other countries. In many countries, you don’t need to speak the language or go to school, and there is less uncertainty than with Canadian immigration.

You’ve probably seen videos online about people leaving Canada because it’s too cold or because it’s too expensive. In this article, we’ll talk about some alternatives to the Canadian Immigration process that could help you avoid the following problems:

  • Canada has the slowest immigration. Canadian immigration may take a year.
  • Visa officers have too much discretion for Startup Visas and other programs.
  • Applicants without education or language face difficult eligibility criteria and few options.
  • High refusal regions make it hard for applicants to visit Canada before moving there with their families. That’s true… Many people never visited Canada before investing and moving their families and businesses here.

These fast, easy, and sometimes cheaper immigration alternatives to Canada: If you’re serious about moving abroad, let’s start with the cheapest and work up.

United Kingdom Skilled Worker Visa

  1. The fastest UK immigration program. You can get a work permit and visa in 90 days. No investment, education, or work experience needed.
  2. You need either:
    • B-1 IELTS VI score, equivalent to 4.0 IELTS.
    • A post-secondary degree or diploma to waive the language exam by completing a GBP 150 educational credential assessment.
    • English-speaking commonwealth citizenship, such as Dominica, Antigua, St. Lucia, St. Kitts & Nevis, or Grenada. UK immigration doesn’t require language proficiency with these citizenships, which you can buy.
  3. You should also be able to fund a UK company with a signing officer or employee. If you have family or friends to do this, great, but we offer a turnkey solution, so you can let our office handle it. The newly registered company will offer you a job for a UK work visa. Your spouse can get an open work permit, and your dependent children can join you and attend public school for free until high school.
  4. The newly registered company must pay you when you arrive in the UK. It’s free. Unprofitable company or activity. Pay your taxes and salary, comply, and you can get permanent settlement status in the UK in 5 years and UK citizenship in 1 year.
  5. This is the fastest, cheapest, and easiest UK immigration program, taking 90 days on fast-track processing. No travel history is needed. The rest is easy—you just need enough money to start the business and pay legal fees, government fees, health surcharges, and your salary.
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We are experts in investing to immigrate, and we can help you choose the right country. Free email assessment here.

Portugal, Spain

Portugal and Spain are our next EU countries. This immigration list goes from cheapest to most expensive:

Business, investor, and entrepreneur immigration is available.

We’re now investing in more expensive programs that are fast and don’t require much other than money:

  • Passive income: If you or your spouse receive a pension, dividends, rental income, interest, or other passive income, you may qualify for the non-investment route to move your family to either of these countries.
  • You can live and educate your children but not work. You can change your work or business visa after arriving. Try & buy. It works for Portugal and Spain, though Portugal processes slower.
  • If you meet the residency time requirements, this program can lead to permanent residency and citizenship.

Other expensive options include opening a branch or business/startup in these countries, depositing a certain amount in local banks, buying property, etc. The non-investment visa I mentioned is unrelated to the golden visa, and Spain’s golden visa has no deadline like Portugal’s.

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The lowest-cost programs can lead to permanent residency and citizenship in these EU countries:

Fast-track Caribbean Island citizenship

Fast-track Caribbean Island citizenship is the next most expensive. If you have the money and aren’t on Interpol’s weird wanted fugitives list, you can get a new passport in six months without visiting these countries. Grenada, Antigua & Barbuda, St. Kitts & Nevis, Dominica, and St. Lucia. They all offer government donations of up to USD $100,000 depending on family size. These programs are over 95% approved without work experience, language, education, or travel history. These passports allow visa-free travel to Europe and other countries. Some sell bonds and real estate.

We are experts in investing to immigrate, and we can help you choose the right country. Free email assessment here.


Greece is another popular destination for buyers seeking automatic residency. EUR 280,000 can do this quickly


Malta, the fastest EU passport, is the next most expensive. It costs more, but you can get citizenship and a passport in 12 months without visiting the country. For you and your dependents, a decent Toronto condo costs EUR 750,000.

USA EB5 program

US EB5 is the second-most expensive immigration program. Vietnam, China, and India residents will wait in a long line for US$800,000. This program only requires money and proof of wealth accumulation. One of the world’s most popular passive immigration investment programs leads to a direct green card. Your application will fail if you invest in the wrong passive investment project.

We are experts in investing to immigrate, and we can help you choose the right country. Free email assessment here.


Drum roll please…and the most expensive citizenship investment program on our list today is Austria at EUR 5.5 million, which can potentially lead to citizenship and a passport of one of the old-school central EU countries without residency, language, or any other requirements. A government donation for art or culture. This program is for those who value a high-value passport from Western Europe and don’t want to spend time elsewhere before getting the passport, which allows visa-free travel to over 160 countries, including the US and Canada.

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We didn’t cover Hong Kong and Singapore’s more expensive investment migration programs. Panama for investor residency, Colombia for digital nomad visa, Dubai for residency programs that never lead to citizenship unless you marry a local, and others are also possible for immigration. Canada, the Cayman Islands for luxury and tax efficiency, and New Zealand. Stay tuned for our summer New Zealand feature.

Canada is just one option. If you have the money, you can immigrate to many stable, safe countries for yourself, your family, and your business. Our team and network are top-notch to help you move. I’ve lived abroad since childhood. This is why I’m live streaming my knowledge and experience.



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