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2024 Mastercard Foundation Scholarships: How To Apply

August 24th, 2023 at 05:23 am

Applications for 2024 Mastercard Foundation Scholarships

Are you of African descent and looking for financial assistance to further your education? Are you a young person whose aspirations for higher education exceed your current financial means? Make the most of the incredible chance presented to you by the Mastercard Foundation Scholarships 2024 to move closer to realizing your ambitions.

The Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program, the biggest leadership and scholarship program of its kind in Africa, seeks to equip gifted and diverse young people who are dedicated to giving back with the knowledge and attitudes needed to pursue their dreams and improve their communities.

Specifications for the 2024 Mastercard Foundation Scholarships

In addition to covering the costs of tuition and required living expenses, the scholarship program also offers career counseling, mentoring, internship opportunities, tutoring, and other opportunities to develop key leadership skills.

Through a Pan-African and international network of more than 40 universities and non-governmental organizations, the Scholars program is implemented. By promoting diversity and accessibility, inventive teaching and learning practices, research, and collaboration amongst important sectors and stakeholders, the Program is enhancing the ecosystem of higher education.

Criteria for Eligibility

Interested candidates must fulfill the following criteria in order to be eligible for the Mastercard Foundation Scholarships 2024:

  • Candidates must be 29 years of age or younger at the time of application for an undergraduate (bachelor’s) degree.
  • Candidates must be 35 years of age or younger at the time of application for a graduate (master’s) degree.
  • Have excellent academic qualifications and a desire to join a network of young changemakers.
  • A young individual whose academic aspirations are greater than your financial capacity.
  • Each university also has its own requirements for admission. Examine the institution’s application requirements thoroughly before submitting an application.

Procedures for Applications

Before and during the application process for the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program, there are some rules to abide by and items to watch out for. The following information should be noted by applicants:

Before submitting:

  • Ensure you have thoroughly reviewed the Program website of the university of your choice in order to get precise information regarding eligibility requirements, requirements, deadlines, and other application instructions.
  • Decide which college and program you wish to apply to. Although there is no restriction on how many schools you can apply to, it’s vital to remember that it takes a lot of work to complete an application package.
  • Gather the required paperwork for submission. As part of the application process, each school has a different set of requirements for documentation. An incomplete application will be produced if a document is not submitted on time.
  • If necessary, take the necessary tests a few months before beginning your application. Each applicant must satisfy the university’s admissions requirements before being taken into consideration for the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program. For certain partners, taking exams like the SAT, TOEFL, or IELTS is a prerequisite for all overseas students. These are not required to be finished by other university partners.
  • Request testimonials. Recommendation letters are typically required by universities. Some universities will ask you to submit the recommendation online. It is the applicant’s duty in this instance to contact his or her references regarding the online application.

If applying:

  • Comply with the university program’s application guidelines. Some partners only accept applications submitted online, while others demand paper submissions.
  • Pay attention to the due date and don’t wait until the last minute to submit your application. Verify that you have provided all the necessary documents by reviewing your application package. An incomplete or late application won’t be taken into consideration for the Scholars Program.

Partner Organizations

Undergraduate Studies

  • African Development University
  • American University of Beirut
  • Ashesi University College
  • Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST)
  • Sciences Po
  • University of Abomey-Calavi
  • University of Gondar
  • EARTH University
  • Makerere University
  • United States International University Africa
  • African Leadership University
  • International Institute for Water and Environmental Engineering (2iE)

Master’s Studies

  • African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS)
  • American University of Beirut
  • Arizona State University
  • Carnegie Mellon University Africa
  • McGill University
  • University of Oxford
  • Sciences Po
  • University of Cambridge
  • University of Cape Town
  • University of Edinburgh
  • University of Gondar
  • University of Pretoria
  • University of California, Berkeley (UCB)
  • University of Toronto (U of T)


What You Should Know About Mastercard

In order to provide young people in Canada’s Indigenous communities and Africa with access to meaningful employment, the Mastercard Foundation collaborates with forward-thinking organizations.

We desire a society where young people are valued, thriving, and recognized for their leadership and achievements. a time in the future when youth are leading transformative change and realizing their full potential.

In order to develop efficient processes and infrastructures, encouraging policies, and an atmosphere where young people may find employment as well as entrepreneurs and small businesses that can prosper and grow, we bring together the private sector, donors, young people, and civil society.

A situation in which everyone can advance and learn.

Mastercard Foundation Approach

Currently, the Foundation is active in 33 African nations. With Young Africa Works, we will intensify our involvement in some nations in collaboration with the public and private sectors to better understand their objectives for the economy and identify key areas for growth.

For each priority country, we will create a long-term plan that will:

  • Enhance the standard of education and career preparation to give young people the skills employers demand;
  • Utilize technology to link employers and job seekers to stimulate growth; and
  • Give small firms and entrepreneurs access to banking services so they can grow.

We anticipate working in a wide range of nations with substantial numbers of vulnerable-employed young people living in poverty. These nations will be in a position to thrive, create jobs, advance education and skills, and exert influence within their own regions. Working with African groups will also be a priority.



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